Vaporizer parts (ovens, mouthpieces, screens) and a cleaning tool.

The Complete Guide to Cleaning Your Vaporizer

Person holding a mop and a spray bottle of cleaning solution.


There's nothing worse than a dirty vaporizer. The vapor will be weaker, and it'll taste stale too. The lower quality vaping sessions might be subtle at first. But as the vape gets dirtier, you'll really start to notice.

Some vapes are meant to be disposable, but it's more cost-effective to have a vaporizer that you'll use over the long term. But, you're going to have to clean it.

Dry herb vaporizers are a healthier way to enjoy cannabis, without the harmful smoke. Because you’re able to control the temperature, the weed is never burned, just heated to the right temperature. If you're using a quality dry herb vaporizer, none of the cannabis will be wasted before it reaches your lips.

This means you get more THC or CBD out of the same amount of bud. Also, the flavor will come through more clearly and taste better. You can even use the leftovers, or “already vaped bud”. Read our guide to AVB to learn more.


Dry herb vape with pre-loadable ovens by Furna

When To Clean a Dry Herb Vape

As your sessions add up, your vaporizer will become dirty, and it will stop working efficiently. The vapor will taste worse and pack less punch, providing fewer beneficial and relaxing effects.

There are a few things you can do to extend the amount of time between cleaning. For starters, always grind your herb properly for vaping. Also, don't overpack your bowls, that'll prevent good airflow, and increase the chances herb will burn and leave residue.

But no matter what you do, eventually you’ll have to learn how to clean your vaporizer properly. It’s worth it in the long run. If the airflow is getting restricted or your vape oven is looking full of gunk, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and just do it. You’ll be so much happier (and higher) on your next session if you do.

Newer portable vaporizers are designed to be easy to clean, because this is such a crucial part of quality vaping. If you've got an older vape that's harder to clean, you might not do it as often as you should.

Cleaning technique will vary between vapes, but usually, all you need is a couple of minutes and some isopropyl alcohol. An accessory like a specialized brush, a q tip, or cotton swab, can be helpful in speeding things along.

 Person exhaling vapor from a portable vaporizer.

How to Clean Your Dry Herb Vape

Before we get fully into cleaning and maintenance, it helps to understand a little about how dry herb vaporizers work. Of course, there are all sorts of different vaporizers out there, portable and desktop, convection and conduction, but their mechanics are all similar. The standard components of a portable dry herb vaporizer are:

Oven or herb chamber

The heating chamber can be at the top or bottom of the vaporizer, and this is where your herb is heated. Some ovens include a screen to prevent particles from getting through. The oven and screen will need cleaning most often.

It's a good idea to give the oven a quick clean with a metal cleaning brush right after each session. This will prevent build-up before it starts, and help your vape last longer before it needs a deep cleaning.

The vaporizer's vapor path

This is the route by which the vapor flows from oven to mouthpiece. Sometimes, cannabis plant particles will get through, and start to coat the walls. This will quickly start to restrict airflow, weakening your sessions. You'll also start tasting that buildup, and it's not pleasant.


Furna dry herb vapes with pre-packable ovens

Cleaning mouthpieces

Mouthpieces also get clogged and need regular cleaning to allow proper airflow. On some vapes, the mouthpiece is right above the oven, and this usually means more cleaning will be necessary. There may also be a screen that needs cleaning.

Keeping the chamber and vapor path clean won't do much if your mouthpiece is clogged, so don't forget this essential step.

Clean a dry herb desktop vaporizer or vape pen

Desktop vaporizers look different, have larger-sized parts and a longer airflow path. But it’s the same general setup and will usually require the same type of cleaning.

Cleaning inside a dry herb vaporizer pen can be a different process, so check your pen's manual to learn the best method. In general, it's tougher to clean a dry herb vape pen since they're so narrow.


Wet dog, recently bathed, drying paws on towel.

Cleaning Dry Herb Vaporizer Tips

When you start using a brand new vape that’s fresh out of the box, the draw will be easy and smooth. Its efficiency, flavor, and strength will be awesome. But after regular use, particles and residue build up in the herb chamber and other parts of the device.

In time, the oven becomes coated in that build-up. This affects the taste, adding gross flavors that will cover up the aroma of your vaped herb. Worst of all, the oven won’t heat evenly, making it less efficient and bringing down the potency of your draws.

The mouthpiece and airflow pipe also need to be cleaned, as debris will coat these areas too, restricting airflow and making it harder to draw vapor. If your device has a screen, clean that with alcohol as well.

It sounds like a lot of work. But remember, if you keep using a dirty vaporizer, you’ll lose all the economic benefits you were getting from vaping instead of smoking, because you’ll have to vape more cannabis to get as high from a vaporizer that’s clogged.

Clean a Dry Herb Vape - Quick Clean

Give your vaporizer a quick clean after each use. This basic bit of maintenance is pretty straightforward: just open the oven and empty out the debris. Your vape should come with a small cleaning brush with bristles to help scrub out the vaporized herbs.

Perform this quick clean every time you vape, right after using your device. It’s easier to empty any residue while it's soft and the unit is still warm. Of course, wait until the vaporizer has cooled down enough so it’s safe to do so.

This quick clean is good for between each vape session, but it's no substitute for a thorough cleaning on a regular basis. But the quick clean will make your sessions more enjoyable, and will make the deep clean much easier when the time comes.

Someone washing dishes in background, foreground is drying rack with a brush and various tools drying.

Deep Clean: Soak Parts in Isopropyl Alcohol

How often should you clean your dry herb vaporizer? It'll depend on how often you use your vape, but deep cleaning your device every 5-10 uses is a good guideline. If you vape a lot, you'll probably want to clean it every few days.

A multi-oven dry herb vaporizer like Furna has a big advantage here. You'll be able to alternate ovens and clean less frequently, while still maintaining peak performance and getting the most from your weed.

If you can’t remember how long it’s been since your last cleaning, just check the condition of the mouthpiece, vapor quality, and buildup to see if any maintenance is needed. If you feel any blockage of airflow, or see a lot of resin buildup on your oven, it’s time.

The deep clean involves dismantling your vaporizer into its components. Make sure to check the specific instructions for your model of vape, you don’t want damage it while taking it apart. Every vape has its specific cleaning needs, and comes with customized cleaning accessories. Use the appropriate method for your model of vape.

Soak heating chamber and screen in alcohol

Most deep cleans involve using a bit of isopropyl alcohol and rubbing the parts with a brush or cotton swab. Different devices need different maintenance tools: sometimes a pipe cleaner, cotton ball, or cloth is recommended.

Pipe cleaners can be especially helpful to wipe a glass tube free of material. Be sure to use the cleaning brush to wipe any removable screens as well. If a part comes in contact with the vapor flow, it will gather weed residue and need to be cleaned.

Make sure your vaporizer has cooled down completely before taking it apart for a deep clean. Once you’ve taken it apart, scrape or brush out any bits of debris you can see in the oven, screen, and mouthpiece.

 Person cleaning glass on a balcony with a squeegee.

Thorough cleaning of the herb chamber

Use your cleaning brush and dip it into isopropyl alcohol. Run it all around the oven chamber and the other parts where you see residue and build-up. Repeat as necessary until it’s looking nice and clean again. Let the oven dry completely afterwards, with the oven opening facing downward to help it dry properly.

When it comes to the mouthpiece, airflow pipe, and screens, the process is basically the same. Use the brush or other cleaning tool that came with your vaporizer, dip the brush inside the alcohol and scrub the parts, removing all the residue you can find, repeating the process if needed.

You may need to soak some vaporizer parts in the isopropyl alcohol solution for a little while. Again, refer to the recommended tips for your specific device. Once they've had a good soak, rinse them with warm water, then set them aside to dry.

If the removable part is glass or ceramic, or a metal screen, you can soak it. But don't submerge plastic parts of the vaporizer.  You can probably give plastic parts a very quick soak, otherwise just use a tool like a brush or a cotton q-tip soaked in isopropyl alcohol, followed by a quick water rinse for plastic components.

Let all the parts dry completely before using it again, or you can cause damage to your vaporizer. Once it’s completely dry, heat the oven for a few minutes without any herb inside, just to burn off any lingering alcohol or residual water in the chamber before your next session.

Benefits of Cleaning Your Dry Herb Vape

Cleaning your device regularly will give you the best possible vaping experience. You'll find it's worth doing every time, and an easy solution to most vapor production problems. If you don't, you won't be able to fully enjoy the benefits of vaping dry herb. Here are a few tips about what to expect with regular cleaning.

Proper maintenance will extend the life of your dry herb vaporizer. With regular cleaning, there’s less chance of causing damage to your vaporizer through buildup of material. This means less frequent deep cleans and less of a need to buy replacement parts.

You can also expect improved flavor from your vaping sessions. When everything is cleaned, you can taste your herb more fully. Just like cooking in an unclean frying pan, you’ll taste the remnants of the last thing in it, and leftover weed in the herb chamber can leave a nasty flavor over time.


Person with arms outstreched breathing fresh air in a field.

The Easiest Dry Herb Vaporizer to Clean

As you can see, cleaning your vaporizer is pretty simple and straightforward, and the benefits are worth the minor hassle. You'll get tastier, cleaner, and more powerful hits.

Dry herb vaporizers are good investments, getting you more THC and/or CBD from your weed. So it's worth the effort to keep yours in the best condition and performance possible. Be sure to empty and clean the chamber after every session, and regularly give the vaporizer a deep clean to help extend its life.

Buying an easy-to-clean dry herb vaporizer like Furna will mean you won’t hesitate to clean it when the time comes. Because Furna has more than one oven, you can even still use it at the same time as you're cleaning one of the other ovens. This means cleaning your vape on your own timetable, whenever it’s most convenient for you.

But the convenience doesn't stop there. Having multiple ovens means you can pre-pack your bowls before leaving the house, avoiding reloading in an awkward location. You can instantly swap one oven for another, with no waiting for the unit to cool down.

Furna also has specialized ovens for concentrate and 510 oil cartridges, all just as simple to swap, giving you all the options you could want in a single device. Check out Furna vapes and see what you think for yourself.


Furna vaporizers with swappable ovens
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