Already vaped bud (AVB) is the brown or yellowish herbs that are left over after you vape cannabis. You shouldn't throw it out. There's still some potency left in AVB, so save it and don't let it go to waste!
AVB (also known as ABV) can be used for a ton of things, including making cannabutter for edibles, sprinkling in your coffee or tea, or ABV capsules. Read our article about AVB uses if you want to learn more.
But can you smoke ABV?
The answer is yes, absolutely. But don't expect it to be like smoking fresh bud. It won't be as strong, and it won't taste as good. But that doesn't mean smoking ABV isn't a good option in the right situation.
How to Smoke Already Vaped Bud (AVB)
You can smoke ABV exactly how you would smoke any cannabis. You can roll a joint, use a bong, or pack it in your pipe.
But smoking vaped weed has drawbacks. It's harsher than smoking fresh marijuana flower, and the taste is worse. Also, the potency is a lot lower, so expect weaker effects, unless you're having a lot of it.
The strength of AVB will depend on how you originally vaped it. If the bud was vaporized lightly at low temperatures, it will have more THC and CBD left in it, and will probably be a yellowish color.
If it's brown, it will be weaker. The potency also depends on the strength of the original cannabis strain, of course.
Even though smoking AVB is a lower quality experience compared with regular cannabis, it still works. Some people report the effects also don't last as long, but that might not be an issue, depending on the situation.
Combine fresh cannabis with ABV in a joint
Another option is combining AVB with fresh weed in a joint. AVB can fill out your joint without adding more regular-strength cannabis into the mix, which can be a money saver as well as a lighter smoking option. Think of it like a cannabis version of half-caff coffee.
Already vaped bud can also balance out the effects of fresh cannabis too. After it's been vaped, the cannabinoid balance in weed changes. There's less cannabinoids like THC and CBD, but still a comparatively high amount of CBN.
CBN will provide more of a body high, and has some stronger sedative effects that might make you sleepy. So if your fresh bud is an energizing strain that you want to balance out a bit, AVB could be a great thing to combine it with in a joint.
Does Smoking Already Vaped Bud Taste Bad?
Unfortunately, smoking AVB doesn't taste great at all. But it can be a quick, convenient, and cheap way to have a low-strength option.
Vaping AVB for a second round isn't likely to give you much more THC or CBD. Especially if you thoroughly baked your herb when you vaped it the first time. Vaping AVB also won't taste good - and at a certain point, it will start having a burnt popcorn flavor.
So if all you've got is already vaped bud on hand, and you want faster effects than you would get from having an edible, an AVB joint can be just the ticket.
Is it worth it to smoke ABV?
When you burn cannabis in a joint, whether it's fresh herb or the already vaped variety, you're destroying some of the THC and CBD before it even gets a chance to reach your lips. A burning flame is just too hot a temperature, and you'll miss out on the fullest possible effects from your AVB.
If you want to get the most mileage out of your herb, saving AVB is a great first step. But to get the most cannabinoids out of your already vaped but, ingesting it a better bet compared with smoking AVB.
If you eat ABV, make sure to eat a bit of fatty food to help you absorb the THC. It can also help mask the flavor.
Can an AVB Joint Get You High?
Technically, yes, you can get high by smoking AVB. You might have to smoke a lot of it to get the experience you want.
If strong effects are your goal, smoking is definitely not your best option when it comes to already vaped bud.
A quick way to enjoy AVB that never fails is just sprinkling it on a peanut butter sandwich, or in yogurt or ice cream. Why not brew an ABV tea or coffee?
Other ways to use already been vaped bud (ABV)
The most popular ways to use your AVB include making edibles from it, either using cannabutter or coconut oil.
It's a bit of a time investment to make the cannabutter or coconut oil, but once you've got them on hand, creating any recipe is simple. Just substitute the butter or oil in the recipe for your AVB cannabutter or oil, and you're set. You can also easily add some butter or oil to your cup of morning coffee or tea.
Just a quick note that this will not work with fresh marijuana, only with AVB. ABV is decarboxylated when you vape it, so you can just eat it straight up and it will work great. If you're dealing with fresh weed, you'll have to decarboxylate it first (cook it on a low heat) before making edibles. Otherwise, the THC won't be properly activated.
To improve the taste of AVB, you can put it through a process called water curing. It's easy, but takes a few hours. It's worth it if you really dislike the taste of AVB though.
Best Vaporizer for AVB Weed
To get high quality AVB from your dry herb vaporizer, you need a vape that has precise temperature control and smooth airflow. As long as the bud is being warmed evenly and at the correct temperature, you'll get AVB with consistent strength, color, and taste.
A low-end vape won't heat your marijuana evenly, and might have undercooked and overcooked pockets, wasting weed and the usefulness of your AVB. Each session won't be as potent, either.
FURNA is a durable, versatile, and powerful portable dry herb vaporizer that gives you both excellent vapor and top-notch AVB afterwards. It also features an innovative oven-swapping system, which lets you instantly swap a finished bowl of herb for a fresh one.
It's super convenient to be able to pre-pack bowls before leaving the house, then swap them whenever you like instead of finding somewhere discreet to reload your vape. It's also easier to keep longer sessions with friends going. Instead of having to stop, clean out the unit, and reload it, you can just swap in a fresh oven. The ovens are insulated, so there's no need to wait for it to cool down.
Furna also features specialized concentrate and 510 oil ovens, and each of them can be just as simply swapped in whenever you like. This system gives you all the cannabis options you could want in a single device. Check out the Furna vaporizer today and see what you think.