10 Awesome Life Hacks For Lighter

10 Awesome Life Hacks For Lighter

Have you ever found yourself in a jam, needing a lighter for more than just lighting a candle or bowl? Well, you're in luck! In a recent YouTube video, we have found ten awesome life hacks for your lighter that every DIY and cannabis enthusiast needs to know. Let's break them down!

1. Burn Frayed Shoelaces

Are your shoelaces looking a little worse for wear? Use your lighter to burn the frayed ends. The heat will seal the fibers, preventing further unraveling and giving your laces a new lease on life.

2. Light a Candle with a Spaghetti Stick

Ever tried lighting a candle that's burned down too far for your lighter to reach? Light the end of an uncooked spaghetti stick and use it to reach the wick. It's a safe and ingenious way to get the job done without burning your fingers.

3. Waterproof Your Matches

If you enjoy camping, this tip is for you. Use your lighter to coat your matches in wax by quickly running them through the flame. This makes them waterproof and ensures they'll light no matter the weather conditions.

4. Open a Bottle Cap

In a pinch and can't find a bottle opener? Use the flat base of your lighter to pop open a bottle cap. Grip the cap with your lighter and lever it off with a swift motion.

5. Heat-Shrink Tubing

Whether you're fixing wires or DIY projects, heat shrink tubing is a handy tool. Use your lighter to evenly shrink the tubing around your wires for a snug and secure fit.

6. Craft a Makeshift Torch

Need some extra light or a heat source? Wrap a cotton ball in aluminum foil, leaving a small wick exposed. Light the wick, and you've got a mini torch that can last for several minutes.

7. Sterilize Small Tools

If you need to sterilize a needle or small tool quickly, use the flame from your lighter. This is particularly useful for first aid situations or when working with sensitive materials.

8. Create a Fire Starter

Camping or grilling? Create a reliable fire starter by dipping cotton balls in petroleum jelly. Store them in a small container, and when you need a fire, light one of these with your lighter. They burn longer and stronger than regular kindling.

9. Seal Plastic Bags

Keep your snacks fresh by sealing your plastic bags with a lighter. Simply run the flame along the edge of the bag to melt and seal it. Just be sure to do this in a well-ventilated area.

10. Loosen a Stubborn Knot

Got a knot you can't untie? Heat the knot slightly with your lighter. The heat makes the fibers more flexible, allowing you to work the knot loose more easily.

Bonus Tip for Cannabis Enthusiasts

If you’re into cannabis, you’ll appreciate the convenience of a lighter for your sessions. But did you know that a vaporizer like Furna can elevate your experience even further? Furna’s swappable, pre-loadable ovens are perfect for both dry herbs and concentrates, making your sessions seamless and enjoyable. Plus, their current sale offers excellent deals on their products!


These life hacks make your lighter an even more versatile tool. Whether you're a DIY enthusiast or a cannabis lover, these tips can come in handy in various situations. Next time you pick up your lighter, remember these hacks and make the most of it!

For those who haven’t yet, consider joining the Furna community at GetFurna.com. With their innovative vaporizer options, you can enjoy a seamless, elevated cannabis experience. Happy hacking and happy vaping!


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